The advantages of solar panel cleaning

Increase up to 30% the performance of the solar panels!

Do you know that a professional cleaning of the solar panels can improve the solar-absorbing capacity up to 30%?

We bring back the solar-absorbing capacity to the maximum in order to reach the highest power what can be available.


The annual loss of the solar system at a family house, depending to the pollution grade

We take for example a 5 kWp solar system

78 €

In case of 3% pollution

259 €

In case of a 10% pollution

518 €

In case of the 20% pollution

777 €

In case of the 30% pollution

The annual loss of a solar park system, depending to the pollution grade

We take for example a 30 kWp solar park system

466 €

In case of 3% pollution

1554 €

In case of 10% pollution

3108 €

In case of 20% pollution

4662 €

In case of 30% pollution